Electric Bass Guitar

Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP

Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP

Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP    Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP
Fabulous top quality bass guitar made from all the best timbers possible with the Wilkison pick ups and hardware. We have a few at half retail price get one while they are going. We cannot get any more. Comes boxed but could have been on shop display. Bought with large quantity of items. Neck is straight no damage plays perfect. Sounds great fabulous Guitar in every way don't miss it. Straightneck low, easy, play action, professional, Guitar, ideal for a learner as well. It is okay to learn in a Ferrari car!

Please note we have a few of these we don't have time to photograph them all you will get grain difference. From one Guitar to another. Please see catalogue full details. No offers, they will be ignored.

Made from heavy hardwood, timber weighing around 4 kg these are very beautiful exactly as the photo I would call them Candy apple blue. Can't get any more at this price get one while they are going.

Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP    Vintage Bass V4 BBL (PRECISE Blue BASS) 1/2 RRP